“Mighty bunch”: the country needs remakes!
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We still live in the era of remakes. But if a couple of years ago everyone diligently remaster the old HD games with the complete preservation of gameplay, now the so -called “rethinking” is pulling the blanket on themselves. Updated, modern versions that got rid of rudiments only repeling current players.
And, I must say, the process is good. New Wolfenstein A couple of years ago he became for many a militant of the year. New Doom cheerfully marches the planet. Or, let's say, converted Ratchet & Clank, who incorporated successful game mechanics from the entire series.
In a word, the spiral of history went to the next round, from which the elements of the coil of the previous one are visible. Well, we decided to fantasize about which titles I would like to get in an updated form in the very near future.
Author: Alexander Pushkar
Continuing the “Wolfenstein – Doom – …” chain, we somehow rise in Hexen. Very briefly the game can be described as "doom with magic". Here, classes of characters appeared – as many as three, differing from each other with a set of weapons and inventory items. The game enriched the “run-shot” typical mechanics for that time: underwater battles appeared, monsters learned to repel attacks, some objects became interactive, and to search for secrets had to break vases and stained glasses.
The place of familiar rocket launchers and machine guns was taken by all sorts of fantasy bells. The warrior, for example, in close combat crushed everyone with an ax, a hammer and spiked mittens, and from afar he could be rushed with balls from magic weapons. And the magician, on the contrary, even as a “unit” used a magic wand piercing the enemies through.
Another feature of Hexen, which made the game of cult, is the labyrinths. The locations were damned (even DOOM levels far from them), and half of the game time went to find another inconspicuous path leading to an important lever. Having found and turned this lever, you understood that somewhere at the level something opened, but what and where … This particular feature, apparently, will have to be sacrificed if new developers will get to the game. A modern player is unlikely to see a way out for hours. Either spit and abandon, or on the Internet will spy.
But something similar to doom, only with magic instead of weapons, it would be interesting to touch. Moreover, Hexen is largely aimed at close combat, and in the new doom this topic was just a little developed. But you can go further! Make an adequate close combat system in the first person – well, at least in Zeno Clash http: // www.Igromania.ru/gamebase/4016/see.
I would play this. And you?
Tenchu: Stealth Assassins
Author: Artemy Kotov
In 1998, a little earlier Thief, The first three-dimensional stealth explosion was released-Tenchu: Stealth Assassins. A kind of prototype Assassin’s Creed.
The players chose a ninja and performed a number of tasks, as a rule, to kill. The locations were small, but multi -level sandboxes, and in most cases the player could avoid skirmishes and get to the victim unnoticed. Quietly cut the entire level, enjoying staged reprisals, no one also interfered. For a variety, the pockets of the synobi were easily stuffed with authentic gadgets: from smoke bombs and makibisi to poisoned rice (yes, long before Hitman).
The game left a lot of sequels, spin-offs and even a spiritual heiress-a series Shinobido. But all this was long and wrong. With each new game, Tenchu became closer and line, until only staged reprisals were left in it tightly assigned to the “rails”. Yes, and shinobido with ends went into a portable format.
Reviving the legacy of Tenchu is a difficult matter. We need amendments to everything that happened in the stake Exchen genre over the past years. But so far they do not plan to dress up their own “heiress” Tenchu in the kimono, the niche of the main Simulator of the Ninja is free and is waiting for its heroes. The main thing is to finally forget about linear levels and work well on the setting.
Author: Stanislav Minasov
The first thing that comes to my mind with the word “remake” is Sir Daniel Fortescue, smiling in seven teeth,. You need explanations? Then, probably in childhood, you did not have the first PlayStation! Well, or one of the best games on the platform miraculously passed you by. One way or another, sit down, I will tell you a story like which you have not heard yet.
The brave sir Daniel commanded the royal army, but, alas, ingloriously fell from Coral Casino sister sites the first arrow in the decisive battle with the evil sorcerer Zorak. A century later, Zorak raised the army of the dead out of the graves, and at the same time hooked the unlucky Fortescue, who received a chance to defeat the villain and finally get into the Hero Hall.
On the side of Daniel a hand that can be caped by opponents, excellent musical accompaniment, a funny cemetery atmosphere (the creators were inspired by the cartoons of Tim Berton and the music of Danny Elfman), but the main thing is a sense of humor. How about a meeting with a huge fish fish? Or a quest, where a crazy witch, deceiving Daniel, stuffs him into an anthill?
And I am still silent about the zombies of housewives who beat the hero with pans.
Perhaps a little that Medievil It would be worth leaving in the grave – uncomfortable camera control and a nasty bug leading to the hovering of the game at the level of the lake. Otherwise, Sir Fortescue, along with Crash and Spyro, has every right to be in the list of heroes who returned from the past!
Prince of Persia series
Author: Yana Lasnikova
After the exit of the latter Prince of Persia Six years have passed, it was then that Ubisoft finally switched to Assassin’s Creed. But the audience from the adventures of the Assassins is already tired of the order, so I really hope that the company will still return to the forgotten "prince". Moreover, the promise was once already given: the studio awaits a good story, which is generally right.
What is a retrograde, but I do not need ridiculous innovations: they have already tried to introduce them in 2008, when I was born, sorry, Prince-Bombers. I do not want to see an open world with shift points and towers. Out of love for the series, I am waiting for complex acrobatic sketches, riddles and deadly traps. I am attracted by battles with merciless guards and captivating eastern concubines in their cunning. And I also hope for an exciting story, dizzying architecture and atmosphere of a magic Arab fairy tale, in which everything is possible to run along the walls, turn the rivers backwards, believe in almighty genies and control the unlimited power of the sands of time.
Quest for Glory
Author: Stanislav Stepanchenko
At one time, Sierra conquered me not by the history of King Graham and not even the cheerful adventures of the cosmic cooling of Roger Vilko. Quest for Glory broke my fragile children's psyche – and broke so high quality that I still consider it to be my most beloved game.
In appearance, a typical quest, but in fact – a role -playing game, Quest for Glory harmoniously combined the whole mountain of opportunities, which you will not see in every blockbuster now. Three classes of characters – each with their own style of the game, unique ways to solve problems and personal plot branches. A living world, where regular victories over the universal evil do not cancel domestic issues like “where to spend the night” and “what to eat”. A choice that is unobtrusively served, but entails noticeable consequences. And finally, one hero is your hero – what goes from beginning to end of the series through the import of preservations.
This is not to say that today Quest for Glory is completely forgotten. She has imitators: some are drawn only on an unsuccessful parody, others, on the contrary, are able to make the honor of the original. But all of them are united by one thing – they are very niche. For people that will be traced when looking at the interface. For people like me.
The series needs good, high -quality, modern restart. In the spirit of the new King’s Quest or new Xcom. Restation that will make old mechanics, but retain the essence of the game – will retain what we love it for. New words and new methods will tell a completely new one, but at the same time the oldest story of the hero.
Not that I was hoping for it just … But I dream about it quite seriously.
Gothic 2: Night of the Raven
Author: Denis Mayorov
I will tell you a terrible secret. Gothic 2: Night of the Raven – Until now, my favorite game. Here is the very most of the general of all. I have already admitted to the "Tribune" and I confess again. I passed it no less than a dozen times and in the future I will not quit. Every visit to the island of Khorinis for me as a return home after many years of wandering.
I am especially much appreciated not the original second part, but by its version with the addon – in the mysterious Yarkendar and its sun, I am in love with the sun for life. And the complicated pumping made the game insanely hardcore, forced to constantly move her brains and calculate the hero development plan to many levels forward – at the arrival Dark Souls I have been preparing since childhood.
Many modern games have something to learn from the second "Gothic". She did not exchange for trifles and gave really complete freedom, not only in moving, but also in actions. So, the opportunity to penetrate the city closed to travelers, gently climbing around the chain behind the guards, has long become legendary. Most goals in the game could be achieved by dozens of the most unexpected ways. Players still love this, and success Divinity: Original Sin It clearly shows.
But the most important reason to give the game a second life is its world. By modern standards, Khorinis and Rudnikov Valley – tiny locations. But here every pebble lies in its place, and in each cave there is something worthwhile. Any story is necessarily connected with any clearing and path. By the end of the passage, the island simply cannot but become a native. The principle of "less and better" in action. Although modern technologies would allow new territories to the island without losing as execution.
Otherwise nothing needs to be changed. Just wrap everything that is already there is a beautiful picture. So that the grass is naturally swaying in the wind, and the sun is beautifully breaking through the crowns of the trees. I would like to see Horinis with my own eyes as the imagination painted it many years ago. And modern players to the classic to introduce so it would be much easier. Maybe they would learn to value really sensible and open worlds.
"IL-2: Sturmovik"
Author: Fedor Sivov
Recently, VR is on the lips, everyone again dreams of virtual reality. It’s easiest to immerse yourself in cybermir through air systems (through car symbols, but about them another time), because you literally sit in a cockpit and control a formidable flying machine. Same War Thunder so seats on the helm that the head goes around, and "the main thing is not to look down!".
But I want something more, a real hardcore air system, like the legendary IL-2: Sturmovik ". Such that all the toggle switches, pens, pedals, handles and levers are important and interactive. So that the sensors are not for beauty, but for navigation and tracking the state of the aircraft. If fifteen years ago, overloads were displayed through a simple darkening of the screen, then in a potential remake, with modern graphics, it smells the player himself. Cool!
Model of Aircraft behavior in IL-2 is still one of the most thoughtful in the Aviasim. And more sophisticated by the number of settings of the game about the aircraft definitely not to find. Without leadership “for dummies”, attached to the boxed publication, not everyone understood, for example, that a plane took away on the runway due to the gyroscopic moment of rotation of the screw that needs to be fended off.
I understand that such complex simulators are now making only for training pilots, but I would like to try myself as one of them. I would like to go beyond what you can do in games today.